مدى فاعلية المحكمة الاتحادية العليا في تعديل دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005


  • أ.م.د. مصدق عادل كلية القانون – جامعة بغداد




This research deals with the constitutional roles granted to the Federal Supreme Court in amending the texts of the constitution, whether it is in relation to the exceptional constitutional amendments stipulated in Article (142) of the Constitution of the Republic of Iraq for the year 2005, or the regular constitutional amendments stipulated in Article (126) of the Constitution. This is in order to reach a review of the extent of the Federal Supreme Court’s contribution to amending the constitution, whether by using explicit constitutional means through the interpretation of the provisions of the constitution, or by using the global means adopted by some constitutions regarding the control of constitutional amendments that are inconsistent with the spirit and provisions of the constitution. With the use of the judicial precedents of the court to show this role.




How to Cite

أ.م.د. مصدق عادل. (2023). مدى فاعلية المحكمة الاتحادية العليا في تعديل دستور جمهورية العراق لسنة 2005. Al-MAHAD Journal, (9), 585–610. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0090585


