دورُ المرونةِ للرشاقةِ التنظيميّةِ فِي تحقيقِ الاستدامةِ الاستراتيجيّةِ (دراسةٌ استطلاعيّةٌ تحليليّةٌ لآراءِ القيادَاتِ الإدارية والفنيّة فِي شركةِ فيض القسِيم


  • أ.م.د ليث شاكر أبو طبيخ جامعة الكوفة/ كلية الإدارة والاقتصاد
  • سلام عبد الكريم عبد الله معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




المرونة, الاستدامة الاستراتيجية, شركة فيض القسيم


This research aims to identify the role of flexibility in achieving strategic sustainability in the company of Fayd al-Qesim  in the province of Najaf, as the The researcher used two main variables: the independent variable which is flexibility, And the variable adopted is Strategic Sustainability and its dimensions (Environmental orientation, Social orientation, Economic orientation), These variables reflect the nature of the search hypotheses of correlation and effect. The survey questionnaire was used as the main tool for collecting research data. The questionnaire was distributed to 70 the leaders in the company of Fayd al-Qesim of the research community(311), And received (66) form valid for statistical analysis A number of tools and methods  statistical were used to analyze the practical aspect of research such as arithmetic mean and standard deviation, And analysis barametric Confirmation  And the Pearson correlation coefficient and the simple and multiple regression coefficient were analyzed by statistical programs (Smart PLS V. , SPSS V.26)



How to Cite

أبو طبيخ أ. ل. ش., & سلام عبد الكريم عبد الله. (2023). دورُ المرونةِ للرشاقةِ التنظيميّةِ فِي تحقيقِ الاستدامةِ الاستراتيجيّةِ (دراسةٌ استطلاعيّةٌ تحليليّةٌ لآراءِ القيادَاتِ الإدارية والفنيّة فِي شركةِ فيض القسِيم. Al-MAHAD Journal, (12), 318–338. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0120317