صور الحضانة المشتركة


  • أ.م.د ردينة محمد رضا مجيد كلية القانون / جامعة الكوفة
  • الباحثة / هدى حسين شاكر كلية القانون / جامعة الكوفة




The temporal joint custody starts from the moment of birth the legal age of majority, and the duty during this period is for the separated parents together to maintain the safety, health and education of the child in custody, and the exercise of this role must be compatible with the nature of the child's thinking and his physical and mental maturity, that is, the French law permitted the transfer of the child for a certain period Weekly or on holidays and vacations for housing and inspection with his father and then return to his mother, but on condition that the fostered child is not harmed by the continuous move. In addition, joint spatial custody or alternating custody which is part of joint custody in which the child resides for a period of time in one parent's home, then moves to spend a similar period in the other parent's home, so that both parents bear joint responsibility for the care and control of the child.



How to Cite

أ.م.د ردينة محمد رضا مجيد, & الباحثة / هدى حسين شاكر. (2023). صور الحضانة المشتركة. Al-MAHAD Journal, (15), 165–180. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0150165