الأُسسُ الدستُوريّةُ للتوفِيقِ بين الوحدويّةِ والنزعةِ المحليّة للأقاليم في العراق


  • أ.م.د.محمد عزت فاضل جامعة الموصل/ كلية الحقوق




the Constitution also did not come with texts guaranteeing participation for Regions  in government federal, whether in the legislative, executive or judicial authority, with the exception of some independent executive bodies, the Federal Supreme Court and the Supreme Judicial Council, despite the lack of clarity in the mechanism of participation of the regions in terms of the method of selection.  the constition even  gave Regions a major role in the implementation of the federal law and change the law when the Union Government Contravene for the exclusive constition  powers . this is Breached  the principle of His Highness the Union  when the Determination of federal Tasks. The principle was not explicitly addressed in  Constitution. as well as, the constitution did not make the decisions of the regional courts subject to review before the federal courts when they conflict with the federal law, in contrast to the 2004 Law Management Transitional State . With reference to the amended Federal Supreme Court Law No. 30 of 2005, local tendency prevails, especially when many regions are formed in Iraq, as the court does not meet except in the presence of all its members and takes its decisions in disputes between the central government and local units by a special high majority.







How to Cite

الأُسسُ الدستُوريّةُ للتوفِيقِ بين الوحدويّةِ والنزعةِ المحليّة للأقاليم في العراق. (2023). Al-MAHAD Journal, 9, 495-535. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0090495