تحديات مبادرة الحزام والطريق: دراسة حالة الصين والدول المشاركة


  • ا.م.د عدنان خلف حميد البدراني كلية العلوم السياسية / جامعة الموصل




الصين, مبادرة الحزام والطريق, طريق الحرير القديم


After the collapse of the socialist system and the fall of the theory of unipolar domination of the world, and the emergence of a new multipolar world, a new call for China's "Belt and Road Initiative" launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping has emerged on the international scene. Which was known as the "New Silk Road" and considered it as a revival of the trade route that linked it and the participating countries to the west and an extension to the countries of the Arab Mashreq and the Mediterranean and then reached Europe more than 2000 years BC. Although nearly seven years have passed since the launch of the initiative, which it called the "initiative action plan", it is still not clear about its features, whether at the theoretical level or at the operational level. It was dominated by the nature of slogans, advertising and promotion more than the focus on the content and content. This prompted some observers to look at the approval of many countries passing through the initiative, especially the developing ones, in order to satisfy China or obtain some financial support or establish projects that China can provide to these countries. Also, there are challenges that pertain to the countries participating in the initiative by looking at the initiative, which was mentioned in the body of the research.



How to Cite

البدراني ا. ع. خ. ح. (2023). تحديات مبادرة الحزام والطريق: دراسة حالة الصين والدول المشاركة. Al-MAHAD Journal, (8), 105–124. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0080105


