جريمةُ سبَايكر فِي ظلِ أحكام القانُونِ الدوليّ الإنسانيّ


  • أ.م.د فاضل عبد الزهرة الغراوي كلية الأمام الجامعة – قسم القانون




الجرائم الدولية, جريمة سبايكر, تنظيم داعش الإرهابي


Genocide is an international crime and a serious crime that threatens international peace and security, and the crime of genocide is the crime of mass murder of a group of people on a discriminatory basis with the intent of their total annihilation as a race, people, or a distinct group independent of civilization, culture, language or religion or for any reason that distinguishes them from human beings without Intent to annihilate them as a distinct group, rather the order is to get rid of them in a certain area or for another reason other than their total annihilation.

 The Iraqi people were exposed to the largest brutal crime in the history of humanity when ISIS violated the system of rights and targeted women, children, civilians, minorities, religion and belief and the right to education, and committed many crimes of genocide and crimes against humanity, deserting millions of citizens and recruiting thousands of children, which constituted a flagrant violation of human rights and international law, The humanitarian. 

The crime of (Spiker) as a crime of genocide in which all the elements were provided to violate the right to life, by the terrorist gangs of ISIS, a mass killing of the soldiers of the air base in Speicher, in a systematic manner and on sectarian grounds.



How to Cite

عبد الزهرة الغراوي أ. ف. (2024). جريمةُ سبَايكر فِي ظلِ أحكام القانُونِ الدوليّ الإنسانيّ. Al-MAHAD Journal, (10), 259–292. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0100259


