العلاقة بين المركز والاقليم في إبرام الاتفاقيات الدولية والعقود النفطية في العراق


  • م. د أسعد كاظم وحيش جامعة ذي قار / كلية القانون




The conclusion of international agreements and contracts is a manifestation of state sovereignty, so the legal basis that the federal state enjoys in the international agreements it concludes finds its legal basis in its possession of the international legal personality on its terms, as it is responsible for conducting international relations, and as long as the federal state is the international person It is the one who conducts international affairs with other countries and international organizations because of its possession of external sovereignty, which has the primary role in representing the federal state on the external However, some federal states departed from the rule of limiting external jurisdiction, as the units of the federal state began to enter the international field in the practice of some international activities that were within the jurisdiction of the federal government.  Based on the foregoing, we find that the Constitution of Iraq for the year 2005 recognized that the Kurdistan Region and its legal authorities are a federal region, and therefore the relationship between the center and the region must be determined on the mechanism of concluding international agreements and oil contracts, and the extent of the region’s eligibility to be competent in concluding in accordance with the constitutional texts that define the exclusive competencies of the federal authorities Indicating the violations of these terms of reference.



How to Cite

وحيش م. د. أ. ك. (2023). العلاقة بين المركز والاقليم في إبرام الاتفاقيات الدولية والعقود النفطية في العراق. Al-MAHAD Journal, (9), 393–436. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0090393


