الأحكامُ القانونيّةُ المنظمةُ لشروطِ منحِ وقطعِ المخصصاتِ للموظفِ العـامِ


  • د. عبد الله سعدون الشمري كلية آشور الجامعة




الاحكام القاونية, شروط منح وقطع المخصصات, الموظف العام



Each type of allowance has certain conditions that are supposed to belong to the employee himself, the circumstances surrounding the nature of his work, or the management’s vision to protect and care for her  employees. What are the conditions for granting these allowances to a public employee in a public position, just as some of the allowances are not eternal, as they are subject to rules and conditions stipulated by law. What are the cases that lead to withholding these allowances?

This is what we will discuss. Then, the administration is not free from error, bias, or arbitrariness in granting it or not. So who is the competent authority that has the authority to resolve disputes related to the subject of allocations if such a dispute arises between the employee and his administration? 



How to Cite

الشمري د. ع. ا. س. (2023). الأحكامُ القانونيّةُ المنظمةُ لشروطِ منحِ وقطعِ المخصصاتِ للموظفِ العـامِ. Al-MAHAD Journal, (11), 455–480. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0110455