الضماناتُ القانونيّةُ لتوقِيع الغرامةِ المروريةِ في العراقِ ( دراسة مقارنة)


  • أ.د ضياء عبد الله عبود الاسدي جامعة كربلاء/ كلية القانون
  • رأفت سالم هادي معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




الضمانات, الغرامة المرورية, الطبيعة العقابية, الموضوعية, الإجرائية


In view of the characteristics of the traffic fine imposed by the competent department that are similar to those of a purely criminal penalty, especially with regard to the general characteristics, the nature of reprimand and punishment, and since the main purpose of granting the administration the penal authority to sign the traffic fine is to provide protection for road users and achieve deterrence for offenders In order to achieve this goal, the traffic administration must adhere to a set of rules and principles that are considered as the legal guarantees necessary for the validity of imposing these fines without infringing on the rights of individuals, and to prevent the administration from arbitrarily using the authority granted to it.



How to Cite

الاسدي أ. ض. ع. ا. ع., & رأفت سالم هادي. (2023). الضماناتُ القانونيّةُ لتوقِيع الغرامةِ المروريةِ في العراقِ ( دراسة مقارنة). Al-MAHAD Journal, (12), 246–272. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0120245