محددات السياسة الخارجيّة الروسيّة اتجاه العراق منذعام٢٠١٤ (المُحدّدات الاقتصاديّة أنموذجًا)


  • أ. م.د نسرين رياض شنشول جامعة النّهرين / كلية العلوم السياسيّة




السياسة الخارجية, روسيا, العراق, المحددات الاقتصادية


Iraq is an important part of the Middle East, a vital region for Russia for many reasons, including strategic, economic and political ones. Despite Russia's public opposition to the war on Iraq, it tacitly agreed to the war. The Russian policy towards Iraq after 2003 and its opposition to the US occupation of it stems from the nature of the Russian economic and military interests in Iraq, as Iraq has strategic relations with the Russian Federation and before that the former Soviet Union, which made Russia see that any military attack on Iraq could lead to a threat to its interests in Iraq and the region, foremost of which are the commercial and oil contracts of Russian companies in Iraq. The Russian position on the US war on Iraq in 2003 was characterized by the positionThe Russian position was also characterized by holding the United States of America and Britain responsible for what is happening in Iraq of clear security chaos and demanded the necessity of speeding up the handover of power to the Iraqis and expediting the expulsion of foreign forces from Iraq. On the other hand, the Russian Federation expressed its readiness to support Iraq in building a democratic, independent and united state, and its support for its efforts in combating terrorism, and stressed its interest in strengthening relations with Iraq, stressing its keenness on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Iraq within the framework of security and stability in the Middle East region away from regional l interference,International    



How to Cite

شنشول أ. م. ن. ر. (2024). محددات السياسة الخارجيّة الروسيّة اتجاه العراق منذعام٢٠١٤ (المُحدّدات الاقتصاديّة أنموذجًا). Al-MAHAD Journal, (10), 361–392. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0100361


