قراءة تحليلية لقانون مكافحة الارهاب العماني رقم ٨ / ٢٠٠٧


  • د. محمد بن سعيد الفطيسي اكاديمي ، باحث في السياسات الجنائية مكافحة الارهاب/ سلطنة عمان




التطرف, الارهاب, جرائم الارهاب, عمان


This study sheds light on many formal, substantive and procedural aspects related to combating terrorism crimes in the Omani Anti-Terrorism Law No. 8/2007 AD, by analyzing the texts of the law and seeking to know their strengths and weaknesses, and comparing them with some other anti-terrorism laws, by dividing them into two requirements. Where the first requirement shed light on the formal and historical framework, while the second requirement shed light on the substantive framework of the law, such as dealing with criminal procedures for terrorist crime, and the preventive criminal policy, in addition to studying what is called the multiplicity of legal descriptions of terrorist crime in the Omani Terrorism Law. I have concluded with some conclusions, including that the Omani legislator used many flexible terms and texts so that it can be interpreted according to who has the power to interpret in various forms, and expanded many interests to be protected, in addition to its departure from the original in the fact that criminal legislation is regional, and I came out with this study with several Recommendations, the most prominent of which were the need to establish a judicial body for terrorist crimes, in addition to the importance of establishing a system for compensating victims of terrorism, with the need to define a specific definition of the type of wrongful .contribution that is punishable



How to Cite

الفطيسي د. م. ب. س. (2023). قراءة تحليلية لقانون مكافحة الارهاب العماني رقم ٨ / ٢٠٠٧. Al-MAHAD Journal, (5), 333–360. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0050333


