حماية أفراد الخدمات الطبية واحترامهم في النزاعات المسلحة دراسة في ضوء القانون الدولي الإنساني والشريعة الإسلامية


  • ا.م.د خالد غالب مطر معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




افراد الخدمات الطبية, النزاعات المسلحة, لقانون الدولي الانساني, الشريعة


International law, international law, international law, international law, international settlement, international law, international settlement, international settlement, international commercial settlement, in cases of international migration and its treatment and treatment in emergency situations, wounded or sickOr shipwrecked military. This work immediately is fraught with danger. The issue of protecting the work of these medical personnel and respecting them, and lest the procedures and procedures related to the conditions and the matter are prevented from being prevented, especially since they do not participate in the hostilities If they fall into the hands of the adversary, they will not be considered prisoners, and they must be released immediately, and when necessary, they may be kept for treating wounded and sick prisoners of war, and medical personnel may not be punished or compelled to carry out such acts except in a manner consistent with the traditions and principles of the profession, and constitutes a lack of respect. Or the protection required for them is a kind of gross violation in international humanitarian law, so our research came in comparison with Islamic law to find out the most important rules and principles that provide protection and respect for medical service personnel, as Islamic law, in addition to previous divine legislation, was the basis and the basis for strengthening that protection, The principle of humanity and self-dignity is one of the basic principles in human life.



How to Cite

غالب مطر ا. خ. (2023). حماية أفراد الخدمات الطبية واحترامهم في النزاعات المسلحة دراسة في ضوء القانون الدولي الإنساني والشريعة الإسلامية. Al-MAHAD Journal, (4), 237–266. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0040237


