التحولات الإستراتيجية في المصالح العليا للولايات المتحدة الامريكية


  • أ.د. قاسم محمد عبيد الجنابي كلية العلوم السياسية/ جامعة النهرين
  • الباحث عدنان عجيل حسن وزارة العدل العراقية




بناء المصالح العليا, سياسة العزلة, المشاركة, الاحتواء, الانفراد والهيمنة


The process of building American interests went through several stages, and was linked to the process of transformation in American strategy. The first stage was characterized by a “policy of isolation” and lack of external connection. The United States focused on building a state capable of providing its internal security in all its meanings (economic, military, and political). As for the second stage: It is the stage of transition to intervention in international affairs with the presence of a new strategic challenge represented by the Soviet Union. At this stage, the United States tended to adopt a policy of (containment), which aimed to set clear limits to possible Soviet expansion through a display of American power. The third stage came. With the United States’ superiority and unilateralism in managing global affairs (hegemony), it abandoned the policy of containment and chose the idea of pre-emptive and preventive war.



How to Cite

أ.د. قاسم محمد عبيد الجنابي, & الباحث عدنان عجيل حسن. (2023). التحولات الإستراتيجية في المصالح العليا للولايات المتحدة الامريكية . Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 71–92. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140071