ذاتية جريمة سرقة أو إخفاء أموال المفلسين


  • أ.د. زين العابدين عواد كاظم جامعة المثنى/ كلية القانون
  • الباحثة هدى صباح مطرود معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




أموال المفلس, سرقة او إخفاء, اضرار الدائنين


          Subjective criminal law means that it has principles, objectives, characteristics and special advantages over all other branches of laws, and that the crime of stealing or concealing the money of the bankrupt is one of the crimes related the merchants, as its elements overlap with the elements of some other crimes, such as the crime of fraud committed by the merchant as well as committed by the members of the commercial company and its manager, as these types of crimes find their basis in the legal rules, and they share and are similar in terms of the nature of the rules regulating them, but the existence of this approach does not negate the existence of difference and distinction on the other hand between this crime and some other crimes Which we will try to explain in this research.



How to Cite

أ.د. زين العابدين عواد كاظم, & الباحثة هدى صباح مطرود. (2023). ذاتية جريمة سرقة أو إخفاء أموال المفلسين. Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 135–158. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140135