دور مبادئ اليونيدروا في معالجة آثار جائحة كورونا على العقود العابرة للحدود


  • م.د محمد عبد العزيز العكيلي جامعة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات/ قسم الشؤون القانونية




مبادئ اليونيدروا, القانون الدولي الخاص, جائحة كورونا, القوة القاهرة, المشقة


The effects of (Covid-19) were not limited to the health sector only, but it has overshadowed all aspects of life, including the legal aspect. In addition, methods of private international law are facing many problems and obstacles, which have been addressed by specialized academic studies, and researchers have explained them in this field.        

On the other hand, the Unidroit principles represent modern and flexible rules characterized by many advantages that qualify them to be an appropriate option for organizing this type of legal relations, in all circumstances, including the era of (Covid-19). It adopted two important provisions in this regard, force majeure and hardship, which represent logical solutions that the parties affected by it (Covid-19) can use.  



How to Cite

م.د محمد عبد العزيز العكيلي. (2023). دور مبادئ اليونيدروا في معالجة آثار جائحة كورونا على العقود العابرة للحدود. Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 485–504. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140485