الأهمية الاقتصادية(الطاقوية) لشرق البحر المتوسط في الادراك الامريكي الروسي


  • أ.متمرس.د فكرت نامق عبد الفتاح معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا
  • الباحث: عمر صفاء طه النعيمي معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




United States of America, the Russia Federation, natural gas


    The United States of America has focused on the Eastern Mediterranean region, as an integrated part of European security. The United States of America has considered the Eastern Mediterranean as a link to the Arabian Gulf by sea, land and air. The United States of America is aware that the region possesses large energy reserves and it is an important corridor for the passage of energy to and from the world, Russia is playing an active role in rebuilding the oil and gas infrastructure in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially in Syria and Libya. Through diligent efforts, Russian energy companies hope to control a large part of the pipelines, liquefaction facilities, refineries and ports, and thus benefit from Syria's position as a transit point for the region's oil and gas heading to Europe, but Russia wants to ensure its monopoly on the European oil market, through its presence in any complementary or alternative projects.



How to Cite

أ.متمرس.د فكرت نامق عبد الفتاح, & الباحث: عمر صفاء طه النعيمي. (2024). الأهمية الاقتصادية(الطاقوية) لشرق البحر المتوسط في الادراك الامريكي الروسي. Al-MAHAD Journal, (16), 453–478. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0160453