التَّهديدات السّياسية للأمنِ الإنساني في العراقِ بَعْدَ عامِ2003 م

التَّهديدات السّياسية للأمنِ الإنساني في العراقِ بَعْدَ عامِ2003 م


  • م. م ناديه عبد الهادي سوادي هاني جامعة ديالى – كلية القانون والعلوم السياسية




: Political Threats, Human Security, Protection And Promotion Of Human Rights


All human societies seek to build their societies in a way that meets the needs of the people of society and to live in peace and security. However، this pursuit in Iraq faces several threats، including external and internal threats، which reflect their effects on society in all its aspects. After 2003، Iraqi society went through difficult challenges and threats that caused... A massive decline in human security indicators in all its economic، social، health، environmental and political dimensions، which led to the destruction of the economic، social and cultural infrastructure، the fragmentation of society، and the creation of a state of chaos and insecurity in it، as it clearly affected all segments of society and caused the decline of the health and educational system. All variables created an environment of Human inhumanity.



How to Cite

م. م ناديه عبد الهادي سوادي هاني. (2024). التَّهديدات السّياسية للأمنِ الإنساني في العراقِ بَعْدَ عامِ2003 م: التَّهديدات السّياسية للأمنِ الإنساني في العراقِ بَعْدَ عامِ2003 م. Al-MAHAD Journal, (17), 267–282. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0170267