المحددات التنظيمية لاستقلال القضاء الدستوري عن محاكم السلطة القضائية


  • ا.د علي سعد عمران معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا
  • سهاد سعد عواد




السلطة الجزائية للإدارة, الغرامة المرورية, الأساس القانوني, الأساس الفلسفي


The status of the constitutional judiciary and the role it plays in political and legal life, and the importance required by its organic and functional independence from the courts of the judiciary, are closely related to its specialization in monitoring the constitutionality of laws. The constitutional judiciary, whether it is represented in an independent judicial body specialized in examining the constitutionality of laws, or it is represented in the highest judicial body in the scale of the ordinary judiciary, requires the presence of a constitutional and legal organization that enables it to exercise its competences independently from the rest of the courts of the judicial power, as this organization contributes to the activation and implementation of constitutional control practiced by this judiciary, ensuring the implementation of the provisions of the Constitution, preserving its supremacy, and canceling everything that contradicts its provisions.



How to Cite

سعد عمران ا. ع., & سعد عواد س. (2023). المحددات التنظيمية لاستقلال القضاء الدستوري عن محاكم السلطة القضائية. Al-MAHAD Journal, (13), 45–66. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0130045