حماية جرحى النزاعاتِ المسلحةِ بموجبَ أحكامَ القانونِ الدوليِ الإنسانيِ


  • م.د اماني عبد الرحمن عبد الله وزارة التربية




النزاعات المسلحة, حماية الجرحى, التجارب العلمية والطبية


      The protection of the wounded in armed conflicts falls within the personal scope of international humanitarian law, as this law seeks to protect this category, whether they are military or civilians, who need care or medical assistance or any physical or mental disability, and their status as wounded is given priority over any other capacity they hold. What the First Protocol of 1977 referred to, as its purpose is to protect them and improve their condition, and then it does not matter if they are civilians or combatants, and this protection and care is not decided for them unless they refrain from any hostile action, and it is among that protection Non-discrimination in treatment and not conducting scientific and medical experiments on them.



How to Cite

م.د اماني عبد الرحمن عبد الله. (2023). حماية جرحى النزاعاتِ المسلحةِ بموجبَ أحكامَ القانونِ الدوليِ الإنسانيِ. Al-MAHAD Journal, (13), 309–328. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0130309