أثر جائحة كورونا على النساء العاملات ودور الارشاد النفسي والمهني في تعزيز التوافق النفسي لديهن دراسة نوعية


  • أ.د. صاحب عبد الجنابي جامعة العلوم الاسلامية العالمية-الاردن-كلية العلوم التربوية
  • الباحثة: علا غازي بدر




جائحة كورونا, الارشاد النفسي والمهني, التوافق النفسي


The study aimed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on working women and the role of psychological and vocational counseling in enhancing their psychological well-being. The study employed a descriptive analytical qualitative methodology on a sample of 30 working women, in addition to 10 psychological counselors. The sample was purposively selected. The results revealed the presence of several social obstacles and challenges faced by working women. The pandemic was found to have a role in the social transformation of Jordanian society, accompanied by an increase in psychological disorders such as anxiety and social phobia. The study also indicated that men continue to resist sharing private space with women during and after the pandemic. Furthermore, the study highlighted the obstacles imposed by husbands on their working wives, starting from a lack of understanding of their situation during the crisis and demanding their involvement in kitchen work, such as baking, despite the reopening of bakeries and restaurants after the pandemic. The study demonstrated economic effects represented by material consequences resulting from the impact on many women's jobs, causing them both material and psychological damage, such as wage reductions, job loss, and subsequent withdrawal from the labor market.



How to Cite

أ.د. صاحب عبد الجنابي, & الباحثة: علا غازي بدر. (2023). أثر جائحة كورونا على النساء العاملات ودور الارشاد النفسي والمهني في تعزيز التوافق النفسي لديهن دراسة نوعية. Al-MAHAD Journal, (15), 89–110. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0150089