زواج وطلاق مريض مرض الموت


  • الباحثة: عبير صالح مهدي مديرية صيانة مشاريع الري والبزل/ النجف الأشرف




patient, death, marriage, divorce


Death disease is a disease in which a person is unable to perform his usual activities, death is common, and he dies in this state before his age has passed.  Three conditions must be met for the disease to be considered a death disease: that the patient is unable to perform his usual activities, that he is likely to die, and that he dies within a period of one year from the beginning of the disease.  Sharia jurists have agreed that it is permissible for a terminally ill patient to marry, but they stipulated that consummation should take place. Conversely, the contract is invalid and has no effect if death occurs for either of the spouses during that illness. As for the divorce of a terminally ill patient, it is valid as long as the husband enjoys awareness and awareness until Even if he was dying.



How to Cite

الباحثة: عبير صالح مهدي. (2024). زواج وطلاق مريض مرض الموت. Al-MAHAD Journal, (17), 393–410. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0170393