التزاماتُ مطُور المُدن الصناعيّة (دراسة مقارنة)


  • ا.د ذكرى محمد حسين الياسين كلية القانون/ جامعة بابل
  • طيبة احمد علي معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




المطور, المدن الصناعية, الالتزام بالانشاء, الالتزام بالتطوير


     The developer of industrial cities has a vital and key role in the field of establishing industrial cities, and until the state is sure of his efficiency and ability to complete these investment projects, it has put in place many controls that outline his rights and define his obligations, so that it can protect the public interest on the one hand, and the developer's interest on the one hand. other.

     These obligations find their basis in the texts of laws and instructions related to industrial cities and investment, in addition to the customs and norms followed in this field, and then it is the responsibility of the developer of industrial cities to implement them in good faith, whatever their source. The establishment of the industrial city, and the commitment to develop it, and with the exception of it, they are obligations arising from them, and accordingly, we will highlight through this research the most important obligations that define the work of the developer, the violation of which entails the imposition of legal sanctions on him by the competent authority.



How to Cite

الياسين ا. ذ. م. ح., & طيبة احمد علي. (2023). التزاماتُ مطُور المُدن الصناعيّة (دراسة مقارنة). Al-MAHAD Journal, (12), 201–224. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0120201