الجزاء الجنائي المترتب على جريمة الاعتداء على البنى التحتية لوسائل المواصلات


  • أ.د. إسماعيل نعمة عبود كلية القانون/ جامعة بابل
  • الباحث محمد حسيب عبد معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




الاعتداء, البنى التحتية, العقوبات الاصلية, الظروف المشددة, العقوبات التبعية


The transportation infrastructure is viewed as the sensitive nerve in the economic and social entity at the state level, as transportation, whether through airports, railway stations, rivers, etc., is an indispensable basis because it has a major role in the process of economic development, through the revenues derived from The movement of people and goods, and given the importance of the transportation infrastructure, the criminal legislator went as one who provides criminal protection for it and surrounds it with a security fence by setting appropriate criminal penalties, whether those penalties are mentioned in the Penal Code or in the relevant special laws, as we find that It has criminalized the acts of aggression that affect these infrastructures, whether in the form of vandalism, destruction, disruption, damage, or rendering them unfit for use in what they were intended for, and thus the convict is subject to the original penalty legally prescribed for it, the accessory and complementary penalties mentioned in the Penal Code.



How to Cite

أ.د. إسماعيل نعمة عبود, & الباحث محمد حسيب عبد. (2023). الجزاء الجنائي المترتب على جريمة الاعتداء على البنى التحتية لوسائل المواصلات. Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 109–134. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140109