التعاون الدوليّ للحماية من الجرائم الماسة ببيانات ونظم الكمبيوتر


  • أ.م.د. عدنان قحطان عزيز كلية القانون/ جامعة بابل




التعاون الدولي, الحماية, الجرائم الماسة ببيانات ونظم الكمبيوتر


International protection from crimes affecting computer data and systems is achieved through international cooperation in all fields, while respecting the principle of international sovereignty and human rights, and at the same time achieving justice by law enforcement agencies by tracking down and arresting criminals. The International Criminal Police Organization, Interpol, which is deployed in various countries, and its role in combating and eliminating crime, as well as international cooperation at the international level, through judicial assistance, by exchanging information, transferring procedures, and carrying out some judicial procedures in the event that they cannot by carried out by the competent country. Judicial representation, and among the aspects of international cooperation is also the extradition of criminals between countries, the exchange of experiences and the development of skills, and this is done by conducting training courses and seminars for law enforcement agencies.



How to Cite

أ.م.د. عدنان قحطان عزيز. (2023). التعاون الدوليّ للحماية من الجرائم الماسة ببيانات ونظم الكمبيوتر. Al-MAHAD Journal, (15), 231–256. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0150231