أحكام مخالفة المستفيد لالتزاماته الناشئة من إجازة البناء


  • أ.د. علاء إبراهيم محمود كلية القانون/ جامعة كربلاء
  • الباحث: حيدر إبراهيم حسن معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




violation, beneficiary, construction permit


      The building permit is one of the important administrative decisions that regulate the work of construction and urban planning of cities and has a role in maintaining public order with its elements (public security, public health and public tranquility), as it maintains public security by preventing violations that occur in construction and has a role in influencing The lives of individuals and preserving their health by preventing everything that might cause harm to others, especially by building slums that lead to the deterioration of the health situation in these communities. As well as preserving public tranquility by organizing buildings, not disturbing the basic design of cities, not allowing any individual activity that violates the controls and laws regulating construction, and explaining the nature of the violation by stating the jurisprudential trends that examined the nature of the violation, as well as explaining the elements of the violation, as the violation committed by the beneficiary includes three elements. They are the material pillar, the moral pillar, and the legal pillar



How to Cite

أ.د. علاء إبراهيم محمود, & الباحث: حيدر إبراهيم حسن. (2024). أحكام مخالفة المستفيد لالتزاماته الناشئة من إجازة البناء. Al-MAHAD Journal, (16), 561–582. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0160561