حركة فتح الله غولن دراسة فكرية سياسية


  • ا.م.د احمد محمد علي جابر العوادي كلية العلوم السياسية / جامعة بغداد




Türkiye Islamic movements, Fethullah Gulen, service, Turkish opposition



The Fethullah Gulen movement, or what is called the Service, is one of the Islamic movements that has a great influence on the political and social arena in Turkey because of its intellectual values and adoptions that differ from other Islamic movements. Since its founding in the 1970s, it has been able to have an important place, especially on the social and educational levels. In the country because it is the field it has taken to strengthen its position and role and spread its ideas based on its founder, Fethullah Gulen, who proposed a innovative vision different from the various Islamic movements on a large number of issues about the relationship between religion, the state, the Turkish nation, and the importance of education and awareness in Turkish society.

In addition to the relationship with the West, which made it develop and spread very quickly in Turkish cities as well as in a large number of regional and Western countries, the clash with the Justice and Development Party, the accusation of the movement of a coup d’état in Turkey, and the campaigns of arrest, dismissal, and trials that targeted its members, reflected negatively on its activity.



How to Cite

ا.م.د احمد محمد علي جابر العوادي. (2024). حركة فتح الله غولن دراسة فكرية سياسية. Al-MAHAD Journal, (17), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0170093