دورُ القاضِيّ الوطنيّ في تفسِير قواعد القانُونِ الدُوليّ


  • ا.م.د رنا سلام امانة كلية الحقوق - جامعة النهرين
  • م.د زهراء قري منهي كلية طب الاسنان جامعة ابن سينا




تفسير قواعد القانون, التفسير القضائي, القاضي الوطني


         Jurists seek to interpret the rules of international law so that they can be applied in national laws, especially when the state is a member of a multilateral international treaty or agreement. This also requires the presence of a competent authority that exercises the function of interpretation. The judge can perform this task and undertake to clarify and interpret the rules of international law when applied so that they are far from ambiguity and ambiguity.In Iraq, the State Council is the body competent to interpret the texts of the law, including the texts of the international agreements to which Iraq is regulated, in order to facilitate their inclusion in national laws. Here the question arises whether this interpretation has legal value or not? Does the interpretation require certain conditions? Is there a jurisprudential and judicial agreement on the interpretation of the rules of international law



How to Cite

سلام امانة ا. ر., & قري منهي م. ز. (2024). دورُ القاضِيّ الوطنيّ في تفسِير قواعد القانُونِ الدُوليّ. Al-MAHAD Journal, (10), 187–204. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0100187


