الرقابة على الانظمة المستقلة في العراق (دراسة مقارنة)


  • ا.م.د رشا شاكر حامد جامعة كربلاء/ كلية القانون
  • زهير عادل عودة معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




الانظمة المستقلة, مبدأ المشروعية, القضاء الدستوري, مجلس الدولة, المقارنة


         Based on the principle of the gradation of legal rules, the executive authority, like the rest of the authorities, is subject to the constitution. Executive systems, and the defect that affects executive systems may be the defect of unconstitutionality when it directly violates the constitution, or the executive authority is directly subject to the constitution when the systems are directly based on the constitution. This is in independent, delegated and necessary systems, but the subjection of independent systems to judicial oversight is controversial in comparative legislation, as independent systems in France are subject to the oversight of the administrative judiciary (Council of State), and the Constitutional Council does not intervene except to protect the space reserved for the independent list, while it is subject to the oversight of the constitutional judiciary. If it violates the constitution and is subject to the supervision of the administrative judiciary, if it violates the law in both Egypt and Iraq, in addition to the role of the ordinary judiciary in abolishing Illegal seizure regulations in France and refraining from applying them in Egypt and Iraq.



How to Cite

ا.م.د رشا شاكر حامد, & زهير عادل عودة. (2023). الرقابة على الانظمة المستقلة في العراق (دراسة مقارنة). Al-MAHAD Journal, (12), 339–362. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0120339