التكييفُ القانونيّ لعملِ عضُو الهيـــأة التدريسيّة في الجامعاتِ والكلياتِ الأهلية "دراسة تحليلية لقرار هيـــأة تحديد المرجع في محكمة التمييز الاتحادية رقم (1) الصادر في 26/1/2022"


  • م. د . احمد خضير عباس احمد كلية القانون / جامعة الكفيل




التعليم الأهلي, الجامعات الأهلية, الكليات الأهلية, قانون العمل, , هيـــأة تحديد المرجع


The line of workers in private universities and colleges is a line that has its own weight in working and scientific life at the present time, as it plays a role no less than its theory in public universities. It is known that this last section is subject to laws and instructions regulating their relationship with the place they work for, but the issue of their relationship with place which they work for is that sometimes they're subjected to working law and sometimes subjected to provisions of civil law, until the matter was presented to the Reference Determination Board of the Iraqi Court of Cassation, thus it issued its decision No. 1 of 2022, which adapted this relationship according to legal premises and found it consistent with reality.

In this regard, we have devoted our research to discussing this opinion from the same legal aspects which was launched by the Reference Determination Board to show the extent of consistency of the last decision with the legal truth and what is its impact on the rights and obligations of a faculty member in private universities and colleges.



How to Cite

م. د . احمد خضير عباس احمد. (2024). التكييفُ القانونيّ لعملِ عضُو الهيـــأة التدريسيّة في الجامعاتِ والكلياتِ الأهلية "دراسة تحليلية لقرار هيـــأة تحديد المرجع في محكمة التمييز الاتحادية رقم (1) الصادر في 26/1/2022". Al-MAHAD Journal, (10), 413–426. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0100413


