مبدأُ المساواةِ فِي توليّ الوظَائف العامةِ والمنَاصب السياديّة فِي العراق وأثـــــرهُ فِي تحقيقِ الأمـن المجتمعيّ


  • أ.م.د. إيمان قاسم هاني الصافي كلية القانون – الجامعة المستنصرية




المساواة, الوظائف العامة, المناصب السيادية, الامن المجتمعي


The principle of equality is one of the most important principles that man strives to achieve and eliminate discrimination in all its forms As this principle is one of the constitutional and legal principles stipulated in most constitutions and legislations in order to ensure the application of this principle among the members of society under a democratic system, contrary to the aspirations of the people This is because the legal concept of equality before public jobs and sovereign positions does not mean actual equality, i.e. enrolling every citizen in a job or position, but rather means that public jobs or sovereign positions are assumed by those who meet the required conditions, and public jobs and sovereign positions are among the political rights that are restricted to citizens Excluding foreigners, the text has been mentioned in declarations of rights, international agreements and covenants, constitutions and civil service laws of states on the principle of equality between citizens in rights and duties as well as on the principle of equality in holding public jobs and sovereign positions, just as the countries under study and comparison differed (France, Egypt, Iraq) regarding Equality between original and acquired nationality in assuming public office and sovereign positions or not, and specifying a time limit according to countries, which usually ranges from five to twenty years, calculated from the date of acquisition of nationality, hence the importance of the research that we are discussing and the need to delve into its content.



How to Cite

قاسم هاني الصافي أ. إ. (2023). مبدأُ المساواةِ فِي توليّ الوظَائف العامةِ والمنَاصب السياديّة فِي العراق وأثـــــرهُ فِي تحقيقِ الأمـن المجتمعيّ. Al-MAHAD Journal, (13), 165–196. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0130165