أساس الوظيفة العامة (دراسة مقارنة)


  • أ.م.د عدي سمير حليم عميد كلية الشرطة / وزارة الداخلية




الوظيفة, الموظفين, المخالفات الوظيفية, القوانين, الخدمات العامة .


The public office is included in the practical scope of the state through the provision of public services with the aim of the public interest aimed at achieving the public benefit.

Perhaps today we are in dire need to define the basics of this job, which has been absent or absent from the thought of some workers in its field and has become a means to achieve personal, factional or even family interests and benefits.

Therefore, the job in its holistic sense is the government tool to achieve its service programs aimed at serving its citizens through the establishment of multiple, diverse and specialized facilities and institutions to carry out its tasks, which were charted by the laws of the job and the job description for each department.

Of course, this necessitates the selection of specialized employees to carry out their duties defined by the law and to set controls for their behavior inside and outside the job.

Key words: job, employees, job violations, laws, public services.



How to Cite

أ.م.د عدي سمير حليم. (2023). أساس الوظيفة العامة (دراسة مقارنة). Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 307–326. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140307