زواج الشغار دراسة مقارنة بين القانون العراقي والفقه الإسلامي


  • الباحثة مريم مالك زباله




مفهوم وأنواع الشرط, آثار الشروط المقترنة بعقد الزواج, مفهوم زواج الشغار, أحكام زواج الشغار


   exchange marriage is one of the negative things that happen in society, and what this marriage may cause in terms of injustice to women and an insult to the dignity of women is the loss of her legal and legal right represented in the dowry, because of the guardian marrying her guardian (his sister or daughter) to another person, in return for that guardian’s marriage to a daughter The other guardian, that is, a girl for a girl, without any dowry, and this thing is contrary to the law and Sharia because the dowry is one of the rights of the wife.

Therefore, in our study, we dealt with what the condition and its types are, and the conditions associated with the valid marriage contract, and the incorrect ones through two requirements that were clarified in the first topic. dealt with in two matters.



How to Cite

الباحثة مريم مالك زباله. (2023). زواج الشغار دراسة مقارنة بين القانون العراقي والفقه الإسلامي. Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 587–604. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140587