المرأةُ العراقيةُ ودورُها في مجلسِ النواب منذُ عامِ 2003
المرأة العراقية, مجلس النواب العراقي, النظام السياسيAbstract
Elections and presidential elections were introduced, and they entered parliament in 1980, 16 women won membership in the National Council, and in 1984 33 women won membership in the National Assembly, thus recording the highest percentageWomen to Parliament), and Iraq is among the 12 Arab countries that joined the (CEDAW) Convention , as it joined on August 13, 1986, and on the basis of this accession, the member state is entitled, according to the text of Article (28) of the agreement, to allow member states to make reservations at the time Ratification or accession to the agreement, but it is not permissible to make any reservation that is inconsistent with the object and purpose of this agreement, as it agreed to most of the terms of the agreement

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