الملامح العامة لمصادر الثروة المالية في الدولة الإسلامية من منظور القرآن الكريم والسنة المطهرة


  • أ.م. د محسن كامل غضبان جامعة الكفيل/ كلية القانون




الدولة, الهيأة الحاكمة, النظام المالي, مصادر الثروة, الأنفال, الفيء, النشطة الاقتصادية, الولاية العامة


This research deals with the most important sources of financial wealth in the Islamic state as the basic component of the state’s components, so that the reader stands on the diversity of sources of wealth in Islam, and removes the illusion that some of them have that the sources of wealth are based on zakat and the fifth only, as the research shows that there are other sources of wealth that he did not know Most people owe them, such as: financial tax revenues, which are divided into two parts. The first section includes: financial taxes related to wealth, such as: the one-fifth tax, zakat, and tax, and the second section: includes: financial taxes related to control, such as: zakat al-fitrah and ransom for prisoners. , tribute, sacrifices of Hajj and its penances.

The research also deals with: imports of economic activities and public affairs of the state, such as: the agricultural sector, which falls within the economic activities of the Islamic state, the industrial sector, and imports of land or Anfal, which fall within the revenues of the general state and the property of the governing body, such as: lands that were not forcibly opened, and lands Which has no owner, the deserted lands of the abode of Islam, the lands of the abysmal conquests of Islam, the coasts of the seas, the forests and forests, the tops of mountains and the valleys, the estates of kings, minerals and mines, and the inheritance of those who have no heirs.



How to Cite

أ.م. د محسن كامل غضبان. (2024). الملامح العامة لمصادر الثروة المالية في الدولة الإسلامية من منظور القرآن الكريم والسنة المطهرة. Al-MAHAD Journal, (10), 319–338. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0100319


