دور المفوضية العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات في تحقيق شفافية ونراهة العملية الانتخابية


  • م. د. مثنى عباس عبد الكاظم كلية الصفوة الجامعة قسم القانون




مبدأ الشفافية والنزاهة, الإطار القانوني, الإطار المؤسسي, التمويل السياسي, المفوضية العليا المستقلة للانتخابات, الإدارة الانتخابية, مراقبة الانتخابات


The Independent High Electoral Commission in Iraq is the official body competent at all levels of elections, and this commission finds the basis of its authority in accordance with Article (102) of the permanent Iraqi constitution of 2005, and in accordance with Law No. (31) of 2019 is the legislative basis for the authority of the Independent High Electoral Commission, which He conferred on her a lot of powers and competencies to ensure the transparency and integrity of the electoral process, such as monitoring the vote, and her role in the counting and sorting process, which are the two most important stages in the electoral process. Up to the stage of announcing the results. It ensures the implementation of the principle of transparency and integrity of elections, and the mechanisms that enable monitoring and follow-up of the electoral administration's actions and actions, and the conduct of the electoral process, consolidating the principles and concept of parliamentary democracy and building a democratic civil state on the foundations of citizenship and in accordance with standards of transparency, integrity and human rights. Transparency in everything related to the electoral process in all its stages and parts is related to the commission, candidates, lists or parties, with a reminder that transparency is an integrated and indivisible principle. To ensure the integrity and fairness of electoral procedures, a strict monitoring system must be established for the work of the commission, parties and candidates before and during the elections. Activate.



How to Cite

م. د. مثنى عباس عبد الكاظم. (2023). دور المفوضية العليا المستقلة للإنتخابات في تحقيق شفافية ونراهة العملية الانتخابية. Al-MAHAD Journal, (6), 453–482. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0060453


