مكافحةُ الاتجارِ بالمخدراتِ وفق دستُور العراقِ لعام 2005


  • أ.م.د سنان طالب عبد الشهيد كلية القانون/ جامعة الكوفة
  • سعد رحيم عباس معهد العلمين للدراسات العليا




الاتجار بالمخدرات, دستور العراق الدائم لعام 2005, الصحة العامة, الحق في الصحة


The doctrine of constitutions in the modern era  is usually is represented in the great emphasis on the health aspect and the extent of its observance by the competent authorities in the state, and it is a doctrine that has significant implications, so the right to health is a relatively important right from among the list of different rights that different constitutions usually provide for, so count Within the rights of the third generation. Constitutions usually differ in the provision of texts organizing this right, as some of them go to the text explicitly on this right and the extent of the state’s commitment to its various powers with this right, and others go to the text implicitly or indirectly on this right, and others went to more than this text on the basis Health safety is a right of every citizen when it considered that ensuring a healthy reality is a binding obligation of the state, and the constitutional articles included for this right in the Constitution of Iraq for the year (2005) are (33,32,33) in addition to the other provisions that it contained.And from the advanced importance, I proceed in choosing this research, in order to shed light on the constitution and laws of Iraq after the American occupation, i.e. in the era of democracy and human rights, so that the development taking place in this field can be identified, and then to identify the problems that accompany it, And my effort to provide appropriate proposals to overcome these problems, which is what I tried to explain by addressing the issue according to the analytical inductive approach, and dividing the title of the research into two topics.



How to Cite

أ.م.د سنان طالب عبد الشهيد, & سعد رحيم عباس. (2023). مكافحةُ الاتجارِ بالمخدراتِ وفق دستُور العراقِ لعام 2005. Al-MAHAD Journal, (11), 217–250. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0110217