أثر الأغلبية والتوافقية على تشكيل السلطة التنفيذية في العراق (انتخابات2021 أنموذجاً)


  • م. د. ضرغام رشيد نوري الشافعي كلية الحلة الجامعة/ قسم القانون




الأغلبيةـ التوافقية, السلطة التنفيذية, الانتخابات النيابية


The Iraqi constitutional legislator adopted the parliamentary approach to choosing the president of the republic and forming the government through the parliament. Based on justifications of a political nature, as it is the best and optimal in the newly democratic countries, and speed is achieved in the formation of the executive authority on both sides of the president of the republic and the ministry. The political stability of the country was achieved based on the principle of peaceful transfer of power. However, the follower of the political reality in Iraq notes that, in addition to the role of international and regional intervention, there is a role in the process of selecting the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President of the Republic, and the formation of the government. And that the political parties have always not adhered to the provisions of the constitution and the laws in force to elect and adopt the “principle of quota” through the alliance between the winning parties in the parliamentary elections, and this alliance results in the distribution of ministerial portfolios among the parties affiliated in it according to the percentage determined for each party and in proportion to the size of its representation in the parliament. deputies. The process of selection by the House of Representatives is only a formality.



How to Cite

م. د. ضرغام رشيد نوري الشافعي. (2023). أثر الأغلبية والتوافقية على تشكيل السلطة التنفيذية في العراق (انتخابات2021 أنموذجاً). Al-MAHAD Journal, (14), 467–484. https://doi.org/10.61353/ma.0140467